Program Fees
Kinderforest (ages 3-6) program will be offered 4 days a week Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm. (Extended Care available).
Grades & Homeschool Hybrid (1st-8th) programs are offered 5 days a week, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm (Extended Care available).
There is flexibility in how many days your child attends depending on the program they are in. Fees cover land use, utilities, supplies and teachers’ salaries. The successful education of our children depends on the work of dedicated and attentive parents. Parents are the heartbeat that keep the lifeblood of Heartsong moving. In addition to program fees, parents take an essential role in supporting the school via parent positions. These parent positions work closely with lead teachers to insure the successful function of the program while providing essential support that enables our lead teachers to do the vital work of teaching. Learn more about Parent Participation
If you have any questions about enrollment or fees, please reach out to
Annual Membership Fee
This annual $65 fee includes membership for the whole family. It bills automatically via the Heartsong website and may be canceled at anytime. Heartsong members may:
enroll in annual programs
attend date nights
attend festivals
participate in extended care
Enrollment Fee
Heartsong’s annual, $275 non-refundable enrollment fee covers administrative costs and secures your child’s place in our program. This fee helps sustain our community-supported model and ensures a smooth learning experience.
Grades Program Fees
Grades (1st-8th) 9am-3pm, Monday - Friday
4 day/week: Waldorf Curriculum: $8750 for the program year.
5 day/week: Waldorf Curriculum + Farm and Forest Friday: $10,050 for the program year
Homeschool Hybrid (ages 7-12) Options range from M-Th half-day enrollment (12pm-3pm) to full day Friday enrollment (9am-3pm)
Tuesday & Thursday 1/2 day: $2990
Monday & Wednesday 1/2 day: $2990
ONLY Monday or Wednesday 1/2 day: $1520
1 full day, Farm & Forest Friday only: $2990
4 1/2 days(afternoons) +1 full day Farm & Forest Friday: $8500
Kinder-forest Program Fees
Buttercups: (ages 3-4) 9am - 1pm Monday-Thursday
4 day/week: $6,825 for the program year
3 day/week: $5,250 for the program year
Hawthorns (ages 5-6) 9am - 2pm Monday-Thursday
4 day/week: $7,350 for the program year
3 day/week:: $5,775 for the program year
Cooperative Options & Financial Aid
At Heartsong, we believe in reciprocity—don’t let money be the reason you don’t do our program. Our co-op model invites parents to share their skills in teaching or skilled labor in exchange for reduced tuition, fostering a collaborative and dynamic learning community. Teaching parents receive support in curriculum development, ensuring a rich educational experience for all. Work-trade options are also available, honoring the value of each family's contributions. Reach out to to learn more!
Parent Participation
Heartsong is not a place where we drop our children and say, “goodbye.” It is a place in which education thrives with families actively participating in the life of our community. Parents commit to support via parent house equivalent to 2 hours per child per month. Parent jobs are an essential part of keeping our program strong, ensuring that our children learn in a beautifully tended, supportive environment.
From helping with festivals and maintaining our outdoor spaces to assisting with classroom needs and behind-the-scenes organization, each role contributes to the rhythm and well-being of Heartsong. By sharing our time and skills, we model service, stewardship, and collaboration for our children.