Lantern Walk
Martinmas is a celebration of the kindness that is required to bring a whole community through the winter journey. Saint Martin was remembered for ripping his cloak in half to give it to a peasant who was freezing at the gates of the city. The essence of this tradition is reflected in Thanksgiving food drives, coat drives and more. At Heartsong it is a time to gather, bringing our little lights to journey through the darkness together in kindness and community.
Join us at Heartsong's Lantern Walk on November 12th to partake in this beautiful, symbolic event. Let the soft light of the lanterns guide us as we celebrate togetherness and the beauty of shared moments.
We will gather in the preschool yard and have a fire to warm ourselves by.
We will have some warm tea for folks to drink (please bring your own mug or thermos) and
a finger food potluck (please bring low sugar as we are close to bedtime).
4:30 Potluck and start the fire, Grade School Children sing their autumn songs
5:00 Gather at the fire for the Lantern Walk Story and to practice the songs together
5:15 Begin the walk
5:35 Circle at the far fire to sing together and share a moment.
5:50 Return to the back porch and sing our final songs together.
6:00 Close the circle and say good night.
Around the fire, we will practice our songs, and I will tell our lantern walk story. The children have been singing the lantern walk songs. They will be making lanterns to prepare. Then we will carry our lanterns as we walk to the forest and back with the parents and our lanterns while singing our songs. When we return to the fire, the grades school will sing their autumn songs and I will recite a verse and then we will say goodnight. The children should be quietly ushered out to preserve the mood of the evening taking it into their sleep time.
Martinmas Verse:
Days grow shorter. Nights grow longer.
Autumn winds are blowing stronger.
But I’ve a lantern gleaming bright
to find my way through darkest night
As through winters night you’ll pass
and dark grey storm clouds cover the stars
Still you’ll see my tiny spark
Shine before you in the dark.
Lantern Walk Songs:
“The sunlight fast is dwindling,
My little lamp needs kindling.
Its beam shines far
in darkest night.
Dear lantern guide me
With your light.”
Glimer Lantern Glimer
Glimmer, lantern, glimmer
Little stars a-shimmer
Over rock and stock and stone
Wandering, tripping, little gnome
Pee-wit, pee-wit, tikka-tikka-tik Rucoo, rucoo.
I’m walking with my lantern
my lantern walks with me
above the stars are shining bright
below are shinging we.
My light goes out, I’m going home
La bima, la boma, la boom
boom boom
My light goes out, I’m going home
La bima, la boma, la boom
boom boom
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine, let shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Not gonna put it under a bushel basket,
NO! I’m gonna let it shine
Not gonna put it under a bushel basket,
NO! I’m gonna let it shine
Not gonna put it under a bushel basket,
NO! I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine, let shine, let it shine, let it shine.
All over the world,
Yes! I’m gonna let it shine
All over the world,
YES! I’m gonna let it shine
All over the world,
YES! I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine, let shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Volunteers Needed:
Preparation: 3-4 folks stay, or come at 3 to:
Clear a path to the woods,
set up lanterns.
Parking Assistant: 1 or 2 people. We need someone with a light willing to wear a bright vest to help keep traffic on the street to a minimum.
2 fire tenders to keep small but warm fires burning. (Must be willing and able to prevent children from putting things into or take things out of the fire during the festival event.)
Clean Up*: 3-4 folks stay after the event to: *It is preferred that preschoolers be taken home directly after this event to capture the true magic of it. As such, we ask that helpers after the event be without their children.
Put chairs and table back,
Collect lanterns,
wash dishes,
return items to proper storage area.